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Trạng thái: Còn hàng
200.000₫ Giá gốc: 297.000₫ (-33%)

NXB: Auzou
Author(s): C. Potard and M. Neradova
Format: Board book and puzzle
Release date: 01/02/20
Age: From 2 years
Number of pages: 10 pages
Series: My First Puzzles
Width: 220 mm
Height: 220 mm
ISBN: 9782733877692

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A sweet story that encourages children to explore and celebrate their differences. This board book features 5 puzzles, each with 9 pieces. Children will love fitting together the simple puzzle pieces as they get stuck into the story. Perfect for making reading interactive and improving motor skills.

SKU: 9782733877692
Categories: My First Puzzle Book, Our Latest Releases
Tags: puzzles, play

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